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巨屏受热捧 平板手机渐风靡_PG电子·(中国)官方网站

发布时间:2024-10-22 20:37:01

本文摘要:Like waistlines in many prosperous countries, cellphones are going XXL and some of their owners are struggling to tuck them in.就像许多富足国家居民的腰围一样,如今手机的尺寸也在渐渐减小,一些手机用户在费劲地想办法把它们塞进自己的兜里。

Like waistlines in many prosperous countries, cellphones are going XXL and some of their owners are struggling to tuck them in.就像许多富足国家居民的腰围一样,如今手机的尺寸也在渐渐减小,一些手机用户在费劲地想办法把它们塞进自己的兜里。Jeremy Roche, 47 years old, owns a Samsung Galaxy Note II phone that is about 75% larger than the original Apple Inc. iPhone, and roughly the size and heft of an extra-large Hersheys chocolate bar, with about an inch nibbled off the end.47岁的罗奇(Jeremy Roche)享有一台三星(Samsung) Galaxy Note II手机,这款手机比苹果公司(Apple Inc.)发售的第一代iPhone差不多大了75%,大体和一块被啃掉一英寸左右的超大号好时(Hersheys)巧克力的体积和重量差不多。

On the streets of San Francisco, where the U.K.-based Mr. Roche frequently travels, he says iPhone users often stop him to compare their phone size with his. I would say most days when Im out and about people remark on the size of my phone, says Mr. Roche, chief executive of business-software company Inc.华为Ascend Mate罗奇是商业软件公司 Inc.的首席执行长,在英国工作,常常到旧金山公干。他说道,在旧金山街头,经常有iPhone用户叫住他来较为手机的大小。他回应,我得说道,当我出外的时候,大部分时间里都有人不会对我的手机尺寸说道上点什么。

It did feel weird at first to hold his big phone to his head for calls, he says, but now he loves his ample screen.他说道,最初荐着巨型手机打电话显然感觉怪异,但现在他爱上了这款手机的大屏。After years of evolution from brick-size monstrosities into slim pocket devices, cellphones are going in reverse. South Koreas Samsung Electronics Co. is credited─or blamed─with bringing big phones back into the mainstream with devices like the original 5.3-inch Note, introduced outside the U.S. in late 2011.在经历了多年来从砖头般的庞然大物向小巧口袋设备的演进后,如今手机又走上了回头路。

韩国三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)因率领巨型手机重回主流,取得的评价可说是毁誉参半;该公司相继发售了几款大尺寸的手机,比如于2011年底在美国以外地区发售的第一代5.3英寸Note。Were actually proud that weve created the category, said Kevin Packingham, chief product officer for Samsungs mobile business.三星移动业务首席产品宽为首金汉姆(Kevin Packingham)称之为,事实上,我们对于首创这一产品门类深感自豪。

Some tech reviewers at the time derided the big phone as silly, and a phone designed for giants. But sales boomed, and other makers have followed with still-bigger phablets, as techies are beginning to call them─a cross between a phone and a tablet.有的科技评论家当时曾嘲讽这款巨型手机“傻里傻气”、“专为巨人设计”。但巨型手机的销量却构建了剧增,其他手机生产商也争相波澜发售了更加大的、科技专家开始称作“平板手机”的产品──手机和平板电脑的跨界人组。

Shipments of smartphones with screens 4.6 inches or larger grew to 82.7 million units last year from 1.8 million units in 2011, says New York-based market-research firm ABI Research.总部坐落于纽约的市场调研机构ABI Research称之为,去年,屏幕在4.6英寸及以上的智能手机发货量从2011年的180万台减至8,270万台。While some users cant imagine going small again, the phablet has drawbacks, including strange stares and tight squeezes in handbags and slacks. I hate how I cant text in class anymore cause my phones too big, tweeted one Twitter user.不顾一切许多科技产品制造商着力打造出更加小巧的产品时,2013年美国消费电子产品展览(CES)上亮相的一些设备却显得更加大。

“平板手机”(phablet)就是一种比智能手机大,但又算不上平板电脑的移动设备。《华尔街日报》Ian Sherr和Thomas Gryta报导。虽然部分用户已无法想象重回小巧手机,但是平板手机也有其劣势,还包括他人异状的目光以及鼓鼓囊囊的提包和裤子。

一名推特(Twitter)用户通过推特责怪道,我真为喜欢无法再行在课堂上发短信了,因为我的手机过于大了。Scott Jordan, 48, was caught off guard by the large phone revolution. Mr. Jordan is chief executive of Scottevest, which sells garments with up to three dozen pockets cut to hold cellphones, a digital camera and other necessities. As he roamed displays at a Las Vegas technology conference last week, Mr. Jordan ran into a snag with his latest jacket prototype.Scottevest首席执行长、48岁的乔丹(Scott Jordan)被巨型手机革命搞了个措手不及。Scottevest销售的是多至三十几个口袋的服装,借以让客户摆放手机、数码相机和其他必需品。

本月初,当乔丹在拉斯维加斯一场科技展上四处转悠的时候,他找到了一个有关其公司最新款夹克样衣的问题。I grabbed one of the newest Samsung devices, and put it in my pocket, and said, sh─, this doesnt fit, Mr. Jordan says.乔丹说道,我拿起了一款近期的三星设备,尝试着放入口袋,完了,竟然里斯不进来。

He immediately emailed Scottevest employees to see if it was too late to halt production of the Tropiformer jacket, and add a half inch of wiggle room on each side of the quick-use cellphone pocket. He missed the deadline. The next production lines will have a bigger pocket, he says.他立刻给Scottevest的员工放了邮件,以理解否还再也取消Tropiformer夹克衫的生产,并将便利手机口袋每边减少半英寸的灵活性空间。惜为时已晚。他说道,下一代夹克衫的手机口袋不会增大。The U.S. is actually a phablet laggard. Large-display smartphones are much more prevalent in Europe and are particularly favored in China, Japan and other parts of Asia. Smartphone vendors in China say they see women who carry a big phone in their purse, and a second, smaller cellphone to keep more readily accessible in a clothes pocket.事实上,美国在平板手机的普及上正处于领先地位。

大屏智能手机在欧洲要风行得多,在中国、日本和亚洲其他地区堪称受到欢迎。中国智能手机卖家们称之为,他们找到有的女士把一个巨型手机放到提包里,把另一个更加小的手机放到衣服口袋里,以便更加精彩地取。Last week, Chinese electronics company Huawei Technology Co. upped the big phone ante by introducing what it says is a smartphone with the largest screen in the world. With its 6.1-inch display, measured diagonally, the Ascend Mate has more than double the surface area of the original iPhone introduced in 2007. As tablet computers get smaller, the Huawei device also is creeping close to the display size of small tablets such as Google Inc.s 7-inch Nexus.本月,中国电信企业华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technology Co.)发售了堪称全球屏幕仅次于的智能手机,增大了对巨型手机的投放力度。

该款取名为Ascend Mate的手机享有6.1英寸大屏,屏幕面积是2007年第一代iPhone的两倍多。如今的平板电脑日趋小巧,华为这款产品的屏幕尺寸已迫近小型平板电脑,例如谷歌公司(Google Inc.)出品的七英寸Nexus等。In a press release, Huawei said the phone is slim and stylish, designed to fit comfortably in a single hand. A spokeswoman for Huawei declined further comment. The phone, which is 3.4-inches wide, will be available in China next month.华为Ascend Mate在一次新闻发布会上,华为回应,Ascend Mate轻巧时尚,可以单手精彩掌控。


Farès Fayad, a 39-year-old consultant in Dubai, says the Huawei phone should carry the marketing tagline, designed for Shaq, the retired supersize basketball star.已除役的大块头篮球球星、39岁的法亚德(Fares Fayad)现在是迪拜的一名顾问。他说道,华为的这款手机应当配上上宣传语“为大鲨鱼奥尼尔(Shaq)自定义”。Still, Mr. Fayad says he used to think a 3.5-inch cellphone screen was just right, until he tried the iPhone 5, which has a 4-inch screen. I dont believe I can go back to the slightly smaller screen, Mr. Fayad says.不过,法亚德称之为,他过去曾指出3.5英寸的手机屏幕恰到好处,这一点子直到他用过四英寸的iPhone 5后才被转变。法亚德称之为,我指出自己已无法再行走去用哪怕只小一点儿的手机了。

Some ergonomics experts worry large phones could pose an injury risk. As the stretch to reach all areas of the screen increases, we might start to see more serious repetitive stress injuries─likely to the thumbs─in larger touch-screen devices, says Anthony Andre, a professor of human factors and ergonomics at San Jose State University.一些人类工程学专家担忧巨型手机有可能有带给受损的风险。圣何塞州立大学(San Jose State University)人因工程学教授安德烈(Anthony Andre)称之为,由于触控全屏须要减少剪切的幅度,我们可能会开始看见更加多由大型触屏电子设备引起的相当严重重复性劳损,例如对拇指的伤害。And some people deride the very nickname. Word lovers organized by the American Dialect Society earlier this month voted phablet into a virtual tie as the least likely to succeed word of the year. (Tied for linguistic loserdom was YOLO or You Only Live Once, a term that has come to be used sarcastically for acts of brazen stupidity.)还有一些人嗤笑“平板手机”这个昵称。

由美国方言协会(American Dialect Society)的组织的文字爱好者本月早些时候将“平板手机”选为本年度“存留可能性大于”词语的并列冠军。(三大取得这一奖的是“YOLO”,词是“你只活着一次”的英文首字母简写,被人们用来嘲讽明目张胆的可笑不道德。) Unlike dress hemlines, which go up and down with fashion trends, most computing technology started huge and gets smaller. The first computers filled entire rooms. The first digital camera weighed 8.5 pounds.与跟随时尚潮流忽长忽短的裙子有所不同,大多数电脑科技产物都是问世之初可观,日后日趋小型化。

第一代计算机占有了整个房间。第一台数码照相机则重达8.5磅。Cellphones got smaller and smaller, too. An early Motorola cellphone model was about the size of a brick. Popular culture imagined gadgets would continue to contract to the point of parody.手机某种程度也就越逆就越小。一款早期摩托罗拉(Motorola)手机的体积和砖头不相上下。

按照风行文化的设想,电子设备将之后增大到诙谐的程度。Zoolander, a 2001 movie about supercool male models, mined jokes from a characters ridiculously small cellphone. In a 2005 Saturday Night Live sketch, an actor playing Steve Jobs kept introducing smaller and smaller iPod models until he got to the iPod Invisa, which appeared not to exist at all.2001年公映的有关超酷男模的电影《超级名模》(Zoolander)就针对其中一个角色的小得荒谬的手机设计了笑点。在2005年一期《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)的诙谐小品中,一名装扮成乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的演员大大地引荐更加轻巧的iPod产品,以后“iPod无影型”(iPod Invisa)才偃旗息鼓。

在展出那款“iPod无影型”时,看上去压根就是没东西的。As phones get bigger, the goal posts are moving on what qualifies as big. Josh Flood, an ABI analyst, says after seeing more big phones hit the market, he amended the upper end of what qualifies as a phablet to 6.5 inches from 5.5 inches.随着手机就越逆越大,有关“巨型”的界定标准也在大大转变。ABI分析师弗勒德(Josh Flood)称之为,在看到更加多的巨型手机上市后,他将平板手机定义的尺寸下限从5.5英寸下调至6.5英寸。

Mr. Flood says it is highly unlikely hell need to amend upwards his phablet standard again. However, I am sure people in the past said that about smartphones bigger than 5 inches, he says.弗勒德称之为,他再次下调平板手机尺寸标准的可能性大于。但是他还称之为,不过我确认以前人们说道过智能手机仅次于也大不过五英寸。



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